Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Products

The fresh cranberries are back at Costco.  Now is the time to stock up on them -- I usually buy at least six or eight bags during Cranberry Season and freeze them so that I have fresh Cranberries throughout the year.  I use the cranberries in my morning shakes -- they are pure and natural and help keep your kidneys healthy.  I love to make cranberry bread as gifts and also my Mother Mary's Cranberry Sauce recipe.  What is Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce!

Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving Holiday.  Costco has the freshest produce on the market and it is a great place for all of your Holiday Needs.

And remember, it is fun to shop at Costco -- there is always something happening there!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holidays at Costco

During the Holidays we have a lot of visitors to our homes - one of the must have items for me are the plastic cups!!! I only have to buy them once a year and they last that long! They are great for my morning shakes and for parties and for children!

The other item that is a must have for the holidays are the dinner napkins -- these are professional looking napkins and sparkle up your table.

Costco is now selling the candles that we love as well as the ones that have the little led lights in them - those come in a box with two sizes of candles that can be kept on all night as they are safe. The led lights make these little tea lights sparkle throughout your home for the holidays.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wash Cloths

There are many items that I purchase once a year at Costco -- yes, things that last a year!

To keep my skin clean and glowing, I buy the bundle of small wash cloths at Coscto. They are so inexpensive and I use two per day. I wash my face with the fresh washcloth and after I am finished in the bathroom, I use it to wipe down the sink and the counter -- my bathroom is always cleans and ready for guests. Then, I use a new one at night -- this way, there are no germs being transferred to my face from using a washcloth has has been used. I toss them in the wash and since there are so many, they last a week. My skin looks so amazing as they act as a great exfoliator and they help remove all of my makeup.

They are a bargain at Costco and a “Must Have” for all family households. And, when I am finished using them, I turn them into great rags.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beautiful Skin

The beauty products at Costco are amazing -- with great choices. I love the Oil of Olay Regenerist products. These skin care products give your face that youthful glow -- I have been using them for years and my skin looks amazing! And you get two products for the price of one!!!!

Rush to Costco and get them -- I remember my mother-in-law’s beautiful skin and she has always used Oil of Olay -- after trying every product on the market, I have returned to Oil of Olay products and my skin has the most amazing youthful glow!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It’s the Holiday Season! And Costco is filled with lots of great decorations and toys for Christmas -- I love going into Costco -- it puts me in the spirit of the holidays!

And, during this time of year, Costco has fresh cranberries at a steal of a price -- a huge three pound bag of Cranberries at Costco is only $8.95! I buy six or eight bags of these cranberries -- some to use now for cranberry sauce, cranberry bread, and the others -- well, here’s a big trick to learn....

I freeze the cranberries for the upcoming year. I use them in my morning protein shakes and they give me that needed cranberry juice to keep my kidneys healthy. Most cranberry juices have sugar in them -- this is the best way to keep your kidneys healthy and maintain good looking skin. And I am sharing this information as a secret - and having fresh cranberries all year long is an added plus, not only for my protein shakes, but also for recipes that use these delicious berries. Yum!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Flowers at Costco

As an Impressionist Artist, I use a lot of flowers in my paintings. Their flowers are always fresh - they receive new flowers every day! And the price is the best in town. I schedule my photo shoots and my plein aire paintings from the day I buy them! I have painted the most incredible paintings with Costco flowers -- my models love them!

Here is a painting that I did with the flowers from Costco.

"In My Grandmother's Garden"

24 x 24

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Edamame is one of my favorite afternoon snacks -- I have them every day -- and at Costco they are fresh and so easy to prepare. I put them in the microwave for 30 seconds and put a little low-sodium salt on them and voila - a great pick me up snack that is soooooooo good. Sometimes I go to Costco just for the edamame!