Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It’s the Holiday Season! And Costco is filled with lots of great decorations and toys for Christmas -- I love going into Costco -- it puts me in the spirit of the holidays!

And, during this time of year, Costco has fresh cranberries at a steal of a price -- a huge three pound bag of Cranberries at Costco is only $8.95! I buy six or eight bags of these cranberries -- some to use now for cranberry sauce, cranberry bread, and the others -- well, here’s a big trick to learn....

I freeze the cranberries for the upcoming year. I use them in my morning protein shakes and they give me that needed cranberry juice to keep my kidneys healthy. Most cranberry juices have sugar in them -- this is the best way to keep your kidneys healthy and maintain good looking skin. And I am sharing this information as a secret - and having fresh cranberries all year long is an added plus, not only for my protein shakes, but also for recipes that use these delicious berries. Yum!



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